Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Drops of Awesome

A few weeks ago I went to visit my sister for her sons birthday party (really great btw, full of athe appropriate amount of Pinterest "for-a-superhero-birthday-party" items).

The week before the party my dear sweet sister had a run in at the ER while on a girls weekend because of a anxiety attack.

Now I'm sure some of you reading this know my sister and just how amazing she is. I me AMAZING. She is the most kind hearted and selfless person I have had the good graces to know. IN FACT after KNOWING she had an anxiety attack I had the audacity to complain to her about the woes in my life. Then she comforted ME by lovingly directing me to this blog post.

I would like to say that it completely changed my life and that I am so 100% perfect with keeping my thoughts positive and upbeat, but I can't. I CAN however say that because of this article I am 100% better at keeping my thoughts positive (drop of awesome). So THANK YOU Daring Young Mom, Kathryn Thompson, for posting this, and THANK YOU big sister for sharing it with me, even though I probably should have been the one comforting you. It is probably worth more than one drop of awesome :)  

Go forth and be awesome. 

1 comment:

  1. You're a really good blogger! I hope one day your blog will be the most famous off all the blogs. I love reading all your words of wisdom and laughing at your witty humor :) keep it coming cause you are AWESOME!!!
